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HomeEDUCATIONUCC Admission list 2023/2024: How to Check Your Admission Status

UCC Admission list 2023/2024: How to Check Your Admission Status

Do you know the secret to checking your UCC Admission List status? Let’s unlock your path to academic success.

Given the opportunity to study in one of the best tertiary institutions in Ghana and West Africa is a key turning point in your academic career. Being offered the chance to pursue your studies in a prestigious university is not that easy because many senior high school students fill admission forms with high hopes of getting admission into their dream university to further their education, however, only a handful of them are admitted into the university.

Surprisingly, do you know there are tons of searches online concerning admission list? Many secondary school students eagerly await admission offers from their dream tertiary institutions. The admission list, therefore, becomes a sign of approval, signifying the university readiness to accept selected applicants into its boundaries.

This article will guide prospective student on how you can check your admission status, print your admission letter and other relevant information you might need so far as UCC admission list is concerned.

Is UCC admission list out?

The UCC admission list for 2023/2024 academic year is out. All candidates, who applied for admission into the University of Cape Coast, should visit the admission list portal right now. Please note that the university carefully selects qualified applicants through a thorough admission process for its programs.The university typically releases the admission list in batches, like the first and second batch. Kindly exercise patience if you haven’t been selected yet.

How do you know if you have been admitted to UCC?

Applicants who successfully gain admission into the university shall be notified via SMS from the University of Cape Coast (UCC) and instructions on how to proceed with their admission process.

If you have not received any SMS yet, you can use the guidelines provided below to access the UCC admission list page and check your admission status.

For undergraduate applicants;

  1. Visit the UCC admission list portal
  2. Enter either your first name, surname, programme or a combination of any of them
  3. Your name will appear if you are admitted into the university
  4. Click on Print letter
  5. Enter your applicant reference number in order to print your letter.

For Mature applicants;

  1. Visit the UCC admission list portal
  2. Enter either your first name, surname, programme or a combination of any of them
  3. Your name will appear if you are admitted into the university
  4. Click on Print letter and enter your index number given to you during the entrance examination

How do I print my UCC admission letter?

Congratulations if you find your name on the University of Cape Coast admission list! Follow the instructions below to print your admission letter;

  1. Click on the print admission letter by your name.
  2. Enter your admission reference number (e.g. PS23/0000) to print your admission letter.

What should I do after checking my admission status and printing my admission letter?

Kindly read the instructions on your admission letter and do the needful. Complete the acceptance form, pay your school fees within the stipulated timeframe and print other relevant document. Keep your eye glued to the university website as a portal will be open for all freshers to select a room within their assigned hall of residence.

In case you are finding challenges on how to select a room, kindly read our comprehensive guide on how to select a room in ucc halls. It contains a step by step guide on how to select a room with ease.

What if I don’t find my name on the UCC admission list?

It is important to note that admission requirements, procedures, and timelines may vary depending on the programme and academic year. Applicants should also reach out to the University of Cape Coast’s admission office for further assistance.

Congratulations to all successful applicants who have received admission into the University of Cape Coast. Your hard work has paid off, and now a new chapter of your educational journey begins. Wishing you the best of luck as you embark on this exciting adventure.

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And if you found this article helpful, we kindly ask you to share it with your colleagues and friends. Sharing knowledge is a wonderful way to help others on their educational journey.

Voice of UCC
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